Musings on
Life, Death
& Stuff in between

Topically related to Motion Mastery? Not necessarily. Somehow related? Yeah, at least via Ulf expressing his views on Life, Death and Stuff in between, at least some of the stuff

I hope you can stand it. If not, your comments still will be read, (shocker) personally by me. And when I'd have to contribute something meaningful, I'll answer.

Thank you for your time to read and respond! 

On Life, Death & Stuff

16 years ago a client called and wanted to work with me. I did not know what I was in for, neither did she… 

On Hiking, Sports & more

Kilimanjaro and other feats are sometimes done alone; but even then, below the surface we are all dependent on others that help us do the thing "all alone" 

On Gardening

On raising a bed & elevating your consciousness

How to build a garden hut yourself and other matters

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